We join forces to improve access to and quality of education as essential means to fight against child labor and for each child to fulfill their potential.
Quality Education Solutions
The CLEF pooled funding mechanism focuses on building school infrastructure to improve access to education; training teachers on evidence-based pedagogies to enhance teaching practices and improve learning outcomes; involving parents in their children’s education to enhance children’s motivation and learning outcomes.

Supporting Cocoa Communities
CLEF partners have jointly committed 78’863’627 Swiss francs as of December 2023. By 2027, CLEF is expected to provide quality education for 4 million children and support to 1,6 million parents in getting more involved in their children’s education. It is expected to build and equip 420 classrooms and 18 childcare facilities, and to set-up 660 bridging classes to help 19’800 out-of-school children transitioning to formal schooling. CLEF is expected to pilot an innovative school feeding scheme, benefitting 200’000 children and providing evidence to inform the national school feeding program.
CLEF has set a target capitalization of 110 million Swiss francs. Additional partners are welcome to join and make a difference for children in Côte d’Ivoire!
A Public-Private partnership for scale
CLEF responds to three national strategies targeting children: the Education/Training Sector Plan 2016-2025, the National Action Plan to Combat Child Trafficking, Exploitation and Labor (2019-2023) the National Strategy for Sustainable Cocoa (2022-2030).
CLEF is the first public-private partnership focused on scaling investments for quality education in Côte d’Ivoire. The initiative is led by the Government of Côte d’Ivoire, with the Ministry of National Education and Literacy as the main partner.